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Somplan WFP LIvelihood project
Food security, Livelihood and Resilience is an important sector because it defines the standards of living and the poverty levels. In broad terms, the livelihood of a given community is dependent on the assets, incomes, capabilities and their activities. And the over community reliance to the natural and manmade shocks.

Nutrition interventions: Malnutrition continues to threat the lives of thousands of Somali children under the of 5 years and pregnant and lactating Mothers. Thus SOMPLAN will strive to address nutrition needs in five different levels of BSFP, TSFP, OTP and SC. Water and Sanitation: Somalia has one of worst human development indicators of as low of 40% has safe drinking water adequate sanitation facilities.
Explore our somplan Altimate project standard
Excellence in Performance: SOMPLAN works to ensure that its programs are high
quality, effective and efficient in nature. They are results-oriented, achieving both
development effectiveness and desired results; and are gender and age sensitive as well.
Partnership: SOMPLAN works respectfully in collaboration with Somalian
governments, communities, the private sector and donors, bringing together the unique
resources of all to achieve common objectives. SOMPLAN enjoys unique access to
decision-makers given our long experience and track record of development effectiveness.
Teamwork: SOMPLAN board and staff work on the basis of mutual respect and
accountability, dialogue and collaboration. In our work we seek to understand the views
and ideas of others, as well as to recognize the positive contributions of each person, so as
to build strong relationships within and beyond SOMPLAN.
somplan training projects
The 2020 – 2021 Strategic plan calls for focus on areas where SOMPLAN has a clear
comparative advantage and the ability to make a difference. Therefore, it recommends that all
south central Somalia and development strategies include activities in: Food security,
Livelihoods, TVET and Nutrition, Water and Sanitation as core program areas. Within each
priority area, SOMPLAN has identified a set of distinct but interrelated objectives. SOMPLAN
will continue to explore the relationship and interdependencies between its priority areas of
programming in order to ensure effective use of resources and achievement of balanced